Data Recipient Platform

The turnkey solution for CDR data

Our Data Recipient Platform is built to the Consumer Data Right Standards. It includes all the technical components needed for receiving CDR data across all access models and is fully compliant with regulations.

Our platform is a cloud-based SaaS solution built with developers in mind. It simplifies the CDR journey and removes many of the barriers-to-entry for data access. 

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Everything you need

A compliant white-label consent user experience to have your customers connecting their banking and energy accounts in hours or choose to build your own consent experience powered by the same Adatree Consent APIs.

Choose to bring-your-own OpenID Connect identity provider to authenticate your existing customers to your white-label consent dashboard or use Adatree’s out of the box email based one-time-password (OTP) or magic link solutions.


Total control

A fully featured management console that allows you to:

  • Monitor consent trends and usage
  • See drop-offs and success rates, with detailed filters
  • View or edit use cases
  • View all Data Holder statuses and outages
  • View all Product Reference Data for all Data Holders
  • Select which Data Holders your customers can connect
  • View pre-production and production data
  • Get in touch for support questions

Administrator access for managing active, expired or revoked consents and access to real CDR data may be available the console, depending on your regulatory access method


Built for developers

RESTful, intuitive, and documented APIs that you can integrate quickly.

Choose from real-time APIs for tasks like time-critical account balance checks, or cached and aggregated APIs that provide resiliency and reliability across multiple accounts and multiple Data Holders in a single request.


Whitelabel Consent UX
Consumer UX Standards CompliantCX Guidelines Version 1.4
Built with the Latest FrameworksReactJS, Material UI 5
End-to-End ConsentConsent Creation and full Consent Management.
Standalone Consent ManagementBring your own Consent Creation UX and deploy our Consent Management in standalone mode. (Dependent on access model)
Bring-Your-Own Domain (Premium Feature)Deploy our dashboard under your domain giving your customers familiarity and comfort.
UX Powered via APIChanges to Data Language Standards within the Consumer Data Right are automatically reflected in the frontend via API.
UX CustomisationColours, Logos, Fonts, Specific use case wording.
Multi Use-Case SupportDeploy multiple use cases within the same dashboard.
Use-Case Deep LinkingPre-select use-cases and Data Holders via deep links to minimise customer clicks.
Dynamic or Static RedirectsDefine where to send your customer after Consent is complete at deployment time with static configuration for enhanced security, or at runtime with dynamic configuration for enhanced flexibility.
Dark ModeLight or dark mode theming.
Bring-Your-Own Identity Provider (Premium Feature)Bring your existing customer login server and add the Data Recipient Platform as a Relying Party to allow your customers to use their existing login credentials in our Whitelabel Consent Dashboard (Must be OpenID Connect Authorization Code with PKCE compatible. Examples of IDPs successfully integrated include Auth0, Okta, AWS Cognito, Azure Active Directory B2C).
Email based OTPOut-of-the-box identity that uses One-Time Passwords to authenticate your users.
Magic Links (Premium Feature)Out-of-the-box identity that allows you to generate Magic Links to authenticate your users.

Consent API
Bring-Your-Own UXBring CDR to your existing UX applications powered by the same Consent API as our Whitelabel Consent UX.
Full Consent Lifecycle SupportCreate, get, amend, revoke, expire and extend consents.
All Consent Types SupportedUse, collection, disclosure, CDR insights.
Multi Use Case SupportDeploy multiple use cases within the same environment.
All CDR Access Models CoveredAccredited Data Recipient, CDR Representative, Trusted Advisor, Business Consumer Disclosure Consents, CDR Insights.
API-driven Use-case DefinitionsCDR prescribed language, all CDR data clusters supported, custom purpose language per data cluster.
Consumer TypesIndividuals, Organisations
IndustriesBanking, Energy
Consent DurationsOne day, One Week, One month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 years, custom date.
Historical Data Collection1 day to a maximum of 7 years in the past.
Data Holder Allowed ListsDefine which banks or energy retailers are displayed to your users depending on your use case type (e.g. only display business banks for Organisation consumer types).
Consent NotificationsOut of the box required CDR notifications for consent lifecycle events via email.
Consent Notification CustomisationBring your own email templates for a consistent brand look and feel across notifications.
Consent Lifecycle Events APIAudit trail of all consent lifecycle events for a CDR data sharing arrangement.
Consent Webhook APINotification of all consent lifecycle events sent to customers via callback, secured by OAuth 2.0.

Data API
Multiple Operating ModesReal-time passthrough
Async with cross Data Holder Aggregation
CDR Insights
IndustriesBanking, Energy
Event DrivenAutomatically collect data within seconds of a consent being activated.
RedundancyRedundancy mechanisms to allow for manual collection.
Automated Data Clean-upDeletion and de-identification CDR requirements executed within seconds.
AnalyticsRecords all interactions to Data Holder for debugging and analysis purposes.
RobustGracefully handles success and non-success outcomes from Data Holder requests.
Adatree Exchange API (Premium Feature)Facilitates deep integrations with Adatree Exchange participants through a single API.
Historical Data Collection1 day to a maximum of 7 years in the past.

Operational EnvironmentASAE 3150 Type 1 and Type 2 – We have fully demonstrated the effectiveness of our Security Control Design and Operational Practices
InfrastructureAdatree runs our CDR Data Environment exclusively on AWS Cloud Infrastructure our of AWS Sydney Region (ap-southeast-2)
FAPIFinancial-grade API Advanced 1.0 Profile using Authorization Code Flow with PKCE and JARM
Simplified for youWe handle and abstract your systems from Financial-grade API and Consumer Data Standards OAuth 2.0 customisations complexities