Adatree Blog

News and opinion articles about Adatree and Open Banking

Bringing the customer experience of COVID Hotspot Alert to market

This is the first part in a three-part technical blog series on bringing COVID Hotspot Alert to market in eight weeks. This focuses on the user experience aspect of the value proposition and how Adatree’s Consent Dashboard APIs that form part of the Accredited Data Recipient platform make the compliance aspects easy to execute. This allows your front-end wizards to work their magic and build rich consumer experiences.

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Automating new Data Holder sources

As of 4 August, Adatree is excited to announce that 34 out of 34 Data Holders are currently live in Adatree’s Data Recipient Platform. Our turnkey platform is 100% automatic, with no manual intervention required. This means it automatically adds and activates any new Data Holder so that our customers can start receiving data off the new Data Holders immediately.

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How Adatree automates adding of new CDR data sources

With Data Holders sharing consumer data with Accredited Data Recipients from July 2020, all other banks and credit unions, excluding foreign branches, have to start making consumer data sharing available from July 2021. Data Recipients want to ensure that they get immediate access whenever a new data source is available, and Adatree’s Data Recipient platform guarantees their seamless access.

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