
Feature release: CDR Test Drive

There’s a huge difference between having something explained to you and seeing it in action – CDR data is no different. That’s why Adatree built the ‘test-drive your CDR data’ feature into the Adatree Developer Portal. CDR Test Drive allows anyone – developers, product designers and business leaders – to consent to and connect their own CDR data and call specific CDR APIs for a first-hand experience of their CDR data and metadata. For companies interested in accessing CDR Data this can help them experience their own data payload and understand how Adatree’s Data Recipient Platform simplifies companies connecting to the CDR.

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Measure twice, cut once: due diligence when choosing a CDR provider

Any savvy business executive (or the technical teams who support them) will tell you that choosing the wrong service provider can cause a lot of long-term pain. You could get locked into an expensive contract or have to commit extra resources to prop up an under-performing partnership. 

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New Ways To Access CDR, Now Live!

February 1 marks a major milestone with the CDR: the new Access Models are live! This is the exciting time where changes go from legislative updates to actually live in the market. These changes will be a catalyst for increased participation in the CDR, easier pathways to launching your use case, and increased competition and choice for Australians. 

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Simplified integration with CDR Ecosystem enables fast product delivery

This is the second part in a three-part technical blog series on bringing COVID Hotspot Alert to market in eight weeks. We will focus on the integration aspect of the value proposition and explain how Adatree’s Accredited Data Recipient platform turns sophisticated multi-party integration into simple data APIs and allows innovative participants to focus on business challenges.

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Bringing the customer experience of COVID Hotspot Alert to market

This is the first part in a three-part technical blog series on bringing COVID Hotspot Alert to market in eight weeks. This focuses on the user experience aspect of the value proposition and how Adatree’s Consent Dashboard APIs that form part of the Accredited Data Recipient platform make the compliance aspects easy to execute. This allows your front-end wizards to work their magic and build rich consumer experiences.

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Automating new Data Holder sources

As of 4 August, Adatree is excited to announce that 34 out of 34 Data Holders are currently live in Adatree’s Data Recipient Platform. Our turnkey platform is 100% automatic, with no manual intervention required. This means it automatically adds and activates any new Data Holder so that our customers can start receiving data off the new Data Holders immediately.

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